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Discover Your
Dominant Gunas

Welcome to the enlightening journey of self-discovery! The essence of Hindu philosophy encapsulates the balance between Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas three fundamental qualities that shape our behaviors, thoughts, and actions. Unveil the predominant Guna within you through our fun and thought-provoking quiz. Go to Quiz

Discover Your Dominant Gunas

Join our #Free Bhagavad Gita Women’s Meditation Circle. Weekly meditation exclusively for women. To know more about what we will cover in these sessions read this blog post and view these free videos on our YouTube Channel short videos on topics including Power of Love, Courage, Discover yourself... and much more. New Posts are added daily. Subscribe to our channel.

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Sattvic Recipes

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S = Sattvic recipe; V= Vegan recipe, GF= Gluten Free