Discover the practice of Upavasa from the Hindu tradition, the roots of Yoga and Transcendental Meditation. Explore our ‘Upavasa’ blog for profound insights.
The Hindu celebration of Navaratri is the oldest unbroken tradition focusing on the Divine Feminine aspect. As recorded by sages of the yore, the entire creation is the manifestation of…
A reader wanted to know if the Sattvic diet had a focus on any food groups. Several popular diets promote Low carb diet, a No-fat diet, a Protein-rich diet, and…
As adults we usually fast daily. We give our stomach a rest for six to eight hours when we sleep at night. We break the fast in the morning with…
A friend who was diagnosed with anemia inquired, “What sattvic foods are rich in iron? Can I maintain a balanced diet with iron-rich sattvic foods? How to ensure that I…
Upavasa is a sattvic practice with many health benefits. This post describes some type of upavasa and their benefits.
Celebrate Divine Mother in all her glory during Navaratri.
Reading the last few blog posts on fasting and feasting, you might have had a question. Since Upavasa does not mean abstaining from food, what is the easiest way to…