A reader asked me if there was a simple, special, sattvic skin care routine to enhance the ‘glow’ of the face everyday.Yes, there is. From the context of the keeping a beautiful skin, we need to understand some of the basic properties of the skin. Watch this video to understand more about your skin. As you see, even for our body, it is expensive and difficult to maintain the skin. So many events from the outside and inside impact the health of our skin. And our skin is also the most exposed part of our body. The skin faces many challenges due to sweat, dust, smoke, and other environmental conditions. To maintain a clear, clean skin requires work daily. Here is a traditional technique to condition the skin— Condition your skin with pure, organic coconut oil. It works best when you warm the oil with pepper corns and cumin seeds. Massage it gently on your face and hands. Let it sit for 30 minutes or more. Prepare this face mask—

- Ditch all junk food. They have too many harmful chemicals. These chemicals cause rashes and interfere with your skin.
- Drink water when you are thirsty. You can flavor your water with fruits to make them tasty.
- Eat fruits and vegetables with plenty of water content such as watermelon, cucumber, and melons.
- Detox with fruits and vegetables to remove toxins.
- Eat uncooked, fiber-rich food with every meal.
- Eat sattvic meals.
- For recipes and weekly updates, subscribe to our Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/livingsattva