
Balancing Act with Sattvic Food

A reader wanted to know if the Sattvic diet had a focus on any food groups. Several popular diets promote Low carb diet, a No-fat diet, a Protein-rich diet, and a Keto diet. Where does the Sattvic diet fall? Thank you for sending this question. Sattvic diet is entirely different from the popular diets described […]

Sattvic Detox Routines

Sattvic Detox Routines

A #friend who regularly detoxes asked, ‘Are there sattvic detox methods? If yes, how safe are they?” Yes! There are numerous sattvic #routines available for detox. This blog post helps you understand how toxins are created in our bodies in the first place and the effects of #toxins on our bodies. #Weightloss is one of […]

Sattvic Activities for the Family and You!

Readers of Sattva Tattva #blog have asked for tips and sattvic #activities for the #family at this time of self-quarantine. Some have asked for activities for the family with kids. Others have asked what they can do with their teenagers and their children to keep active. The idea behind these requests is to learn some […]

Eating for Conscious Expansion

Eating for Conscious Expansion

A reader of the #blog SattvaTattva sent me this question: You talk about sattvic food as supporting conscious expansion. What does it mean-conscious expansion? How is it different from eating with awareness or mindfully? Thank you for asking the question. Here are some basics about sattvic food- how sattvic food is different from organic food, […]


Coronavirus and Rasam

Some friends received a picture via social media and reached out to me to find out if there is any truth in a claim that Rasam could help build immunity towards Coronavirus. Is this true? In this blog post, I present the recipe for rasam, explain the science behind this sattvic recipe, and traditional practice […]

Is Sugar Sattvic?

A reader of the Sattva Tattva #blog sent me this question: Is sugar sattvic? What are the best sugars for a sattvic diet? There are many ways we get sugar in our daily diet. An average American consumes about 270 calories of sugar each day, that’s about 17- teaspoons a day. This is way higher than 12 […]

Shivaratri Upavasa

Shivaratri Upavasa

As adults we usually fast daily. We give our stomach a rest for six to eight hours when we sleep at night. We break the fast in the morning with a protein-rich meal, a breakfast. On shivaratri day, we forgo the usual meal patterns. We undertake Upavasa. The intention is to get closer to the […]

From Darkness to Light with Shiva

From Darkness to Light with Shiva

Sattvic lifestyle is embedded in a life positive and celebratory framework. Celebrations on the Earth mirror celestial events such as the movement of the sun, the stars, eclipses, and phases of the moon. Embedded in this sattvic lifestyle is also a whole day to celebrate darkness and finding the light!   At the physiological level, […]

Iron-rich Sattvic foods

Iron-rich Sattvic foods

A friend who was diagnosed with anemia inquired, “What sattvic foods are rich in iron? Can I maintain a balanced diet with iron-rich sattvic foods? How to ensure that I do not become anemic again?”             Anemia is a condition where our blood is low in iron. The red color of our blood comes from […]

Bonding through Kolams

Bonding through Kolams

In a land flooded by sunlight and warmth, winter brings in an unfamiliar stupor and slowing down. As people living in the Western hemisphere have experienced intense withdrawal with decrease in sun’s heat and sunlight, followed by early sunset times leading to light deficit disorder. People also report mood disorder when they experience intense lethargy […]

Cultivating Joy: Focus on Sattvic Lifestyle

Cultivating Joy: Focus on Sattvic Lifestyle

Daily rituals that bring eternal joy are foundations to Sattvic lifestyle. Sattvic lifestyle or conscious living supports intentional living. These intentions are set into action through a series of daily rituals. The rhythm of a sattvic lifestyle is guided by principles of active participation in life to create an authentic you. The side effects of […]

A Sacred Space at Home

A Sacred Space at Home

A personal altar is an integral part of a sattvic lifestyle. Inviting and connecting with the cosmic energy is a part of the daily Hindu routines. Connecting with the divine is embedded in every mundane everyday activity. Last week we noted the significance of kolams. Read up our other blog posts about sattvic food, and […]