Approved Sattvic Upavasa plans: The last one is the unbelievable!

Reading the last few blog posts on fasting and feasting, you might have had a question. Since Upavasa does not mean abstaining from food, what is the easiest way to undertake an Upavasa? This blog post provides some models of Upavasa that you can undertake. Goal of Upavasa Upavasa, from a sattvic perspective, can mean […]

Nourishing the Soul Exploring the Connection Between Sattvic Living, Fasting

Nourishing the Soul: Exploring the Connection Between Sattvic Living, Fasting, and Spiritual Renewal

Step into a world where nourishing the soul and nourishing the body blend seamlessly. In our fast-paced lives, the quest for spiritual renewal has led many to embrace sattvic living and fasting as paths to inner harmony. In this article, we delve into the profound connection between sattvic living, fasting, and spiritual renewal, exploring how […]

No-Cook Cookbook Giveaway

It is summer time and vegetables are available in plenty. Chances are that you have some access to farmer’s market or organic vegetables. You could also be growing your own vegetables. You can enjoy many of these vegetables without cooking them. Each vegetable has its own natural taste. This natural taste causes us to like […]

Feasting and Fasting: The Paradox of Sattvic lifestyle

My son asked me the other day, “Mom, why do you fast every week?” “That is out of my love for Krishna,” I said. I was referring to beloved Divine Lord Krishna. “Then, why do you fast for Krishna’s birthday too?” This conversation had me thinking about the confusion around this topic. I fast when […]

One Amazing and Authentic Sattvic Beauty Secret

A reader asked me if there was a simple, special, sattvic skin care routine to enhance the ‘glow’ of the face everyday. Yes, there is. From the context of the keeping a beautiful skin, we need to understand some of the basic properties of the skin. Watch this video to understand more about your skin. […]

More Secrets from Sattvic Kitchen: Golden Body Scrub

What we keep in a Sattvic Kitchen are spices, an amazing beauty chest, and a pharmacy. There is no room for hypocrisy in the sattvic kitchen. Everything in the sattvic kitchen can be internally ingested, by adding to the food, and used as body scrub or beauty aids.  Two staple ingredients in the sattvic pantry […]

From Sattvic Kitchen: Amazing Healing Powers of Turmeric

Even in the most remote forests of India, turmeric has been a life saving medicine for me. For more than 5-years I was stationed in the field collecting data for my dissertation. I lived with a team at a remote field station at the Western Ghats. Ginger, cardamom, and turmeric plants grow here naturally. While […]

Remarkable Beauty secrets of Turmeric

Scientists are studying turmeric and discovering more and more remarkable properties of this spice. In many instances, the scientific studies are validating what was passed on by generations of practice, repeated by grandma’s in India and labelled as Grandma’s wisdom. The earlier blog post (link here) details the two most essential ingredients of a Sattvic […]

Beauty Aids from Sattvic Kitchen

When you organize a sattvic kitchen, it simultaneously blossoms into a pharmacy, beauty aid store and gives your food a soulful boost. You can also make your own beauty aids with what is in the kitchen. When you start experimenting with creating beauty aids, you will quickly notice one thing. What you put on your […]

One Step change for Sattvic Diet

Life revolves around the sun. When sun comes out, flowers bloom. We hear birds sing. We spend more time outdoors. It is also the time we look inwards and decide to make some changes. As a result of one such introspection episode, my close friend asked me, “What is the single thing I can do […]

Is Sattvic Lifestyle all about food?

Conversationally, a friend who practices #yoga #vegetarian #lifestyle, remarked, “….anyway, sattvic lifestyle is all about food…” “Why do you think so?” I asked. I was curious about how she reached this conclusion. “Because you talk a lot about eating right, sattvic food.” “Food,” I explained, “is a start. Sattvic lifestyle is more than food.” I […]

Sattvic food: Habit or Choice?

  While talking about my food a friend asked me, “Are your food restrictions a choice or habit?” To me, this is not a simple question. It helps me to understand and identify the underlying confusion about Sattvic food and diet. Sattvic food has restrictions. Unless we understand the context of these restrictions, it will […]