Sattvic foods for Navaratri

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The days when divine Mother lands on Earth to bless everyone of us, those nine days, are the most auspicious festive days. In the measure of human life, these nine days come and go in the blink of an eye. The nine days are filled with intense celebrations in our outer world, where we meet many people, and the aloneness with Mother in our inner world. Our journey is always from inner world to the outer world. It is the inner world that propels us forward with fierce intensity during Navaratri.

This book Your Full Guide for an Amazing Navaratri Experience gives you the complete blueprint for planning your Navaratri, inside and outside. It is your guide. Companion. Journal. It is a storehouse of memories that you can revisit and cherish. The book however does not give you deep guidance regarding satvik foods. You can make recipes from any of the cookbooks produced by Sattvic Method.

Smoothie cookbook 

Pongal treats 

No-cook Vegan Cookbook 

Pure satvik diet supports the intense energy required for living the days and nights of Navratri. The highest form of food in satvik diet is not eating solid food. Yes! That is right. The highest form of food in satvik diet is upavasa. To know more about the paradox of upavasa in satvik diet read this blog post.

During upavasa, it is important to keep the body cool by frequently washing the eyes and staying hydrated. Specifically, you must hydrate the body by drinking water, coconut water or freshly squeezed lemonade frequently. Balance the electrolytes by adding salt and sugar in lemonade. Coconut water is naturally rich in electrolytes and does not need any enhancement.

You can also take watery buttermilk with lemon juice and salt or a pinch of sugar. You can make buttermilk by churning the yogurt to remove the fat in milk. The buttermilk is rich in micro nutrients such as riboflavin which is vital for energy production. Satvik diet has a special place for buttermilk.

Nutritionally, buttermilk contains proteins, carbohydrates, low lipids, essential vitamins, and enzymes and it provides a complete diet anywhere, anytime. Buttermilk is made of 90 percent water and helps to maintain water balance in the body. Due to the low protein content, buttermilk is easily absorbed by the intestine. The lactic acid in buttermilk neutralizes the acidity in the stomach.

Another variation of satvik food during Navaratri is to eat only moong dal or sprouted moong dal with lime juice and some tender cucumber. You can follow this recipe and make the mung beans salad.

You can also make a lentil salad and eat for a filling meal For assembling this salad, you will use cooked lentils and if you are avoiding cooked food for Navaratri, you can substitute cooked lentils with fresh soaked moong dal. When following the salad diet it is important to stay well-hydrated and follow all the techniques that will cool your body.

It is not as if rice is not auspicious for offering to divine mother during the Navaratri days. There are many delicious satvik recipes you can prepare with rice and offer to divine mother. Cook raw rice to offer to divine Mother. For the offering to be purely satvik, ensure that rice is prepared and offered within 3-hours of cooking.

This creamy coconut rice is perfect for every occasion. If you cannot make it with freshly grated coconut, soak the desiccated coconut in hot water for 10 minutes before adding to the rice. Another evergreen, favorite satvik rice offering is the tangy turmeric rice. You can load this versatile turmeric rice with nuts and herbs.

The tamarind rice on the other hand, has a hint of sweetness and a special blend of satvik spices. Tamarind rice tastes best hours after cooking and the taste peaks the next day. However, during Navaratri or other periods of high energy you must avoid eating left over foods as, no matter how tasty the food is, they have low energy.

Another delicious recipe you can make is to prepare mixed vegetable rice with specific satvik spice blends that support your period of intense energy need by constant detoxing. You can use any satvik vegetable for this purpose. To know more about sattvic vegetables, read this blog post vegetables

Many people also do not eat anything that is grown in a farm. If you prefer more grain or seed options, recipes with quinoa and other seeds these recipes might work well for you. Quinoa pilaf is perfect for days when you want to add flavor, texture, novel vegetables, and try new spice blends. Make simple but filling and tasty savory quinoa the comfort food with perfect combination of spices, fat, salt, and lentils in the satvic quinoa Pongal recipe.


In north India, many people observe strict, limited diet during Navaratri by eating only potato, and sago. Sattvic Method has many satvik recipes suitable for this kind of Navaratri diet. Soft potato patties are tender and loaded with fiber and vegetables making you feel full with tasty bites. If you are in a mood for eating frugal, minimal diet, try this recipe to make simple satvik sattvic Boiled potatoes. You can add a spot of butter or drizzle some ghee if you wish. Potatoes in Tamarind gravy is an excellent satvik side dish that can complement any meal. Tamarind supports your full body detox. If you want to make a refreshing potato recipe, make this satvik potato soup with chia seeds that provide both nourishment and fiber.

You can also eat satvik Kanji or soups for the Navaratri season. Make delicious quinoa soup and top it with yogurt or ghee. For the best benefit of the Navaratri season, you can limit the flavors and taste and focus on finding satvik nourishment. You can also make some sweet-sour soup that is filling and flavorful.  Another seasonal recipe to make is the squash- lentil soup to which you can add any number of seasonal vegetables and make it stocky, if you are craving for something to chew on.  You can also make the tomato soup that is allows you to add numerous creative upgrades to the basic recipe

You can also make delicious satvik smoothies for Navaratri. Our new book has 21-delicious smoothie recipes suitable for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can buy the book here. You can also check out our other publications for sattvic recipes for Navaratri.

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